Tuesday, October 6, 2015

So..... I am stitching again. I know I've said that before but I really am.  I've finished a few things.  I'm stitching all the Just Nan Angels and have 13 done so far, I think. I have maybe 3 more to go?  I've been stitching some Imlum angels too.  Here are pics of a few of the Imblum angels.

Here are a few others, Charity Angel by Just Nan

Felicity Angel by Just Nan

A couple Lizzie Kates

Pretty in Pink by Brightneedle, I may have posted this finish before, its been so long since I've really been stitching I cant remember, lol. I'm on the stitching roll now though, I hope.

My pictures sure aren't very good, I'm having problems with my camera.

Well that's all for today, I'm hoping I will be posting to the blog every week now. I plan on posting pics of all the Just Nan angels when I get each one done.  Thanks for stopping by:))))

1 comment:

  1. Piękne anioły. Wszystkie prace wspaniale wykończone.Krzyżyki takie malutkie.Podziwiam!
